Macedonians acknowledged by George Soteriadis in 1918!

Macedonians were recognized by the Greek Professor of History at the University of Athens, George Soteriadis, in 1918. In his book “An Ethnological Map Illustrating Hellenism In The Balkan Peninsula And Asia Minor” he recognizes the Macedonians under the term “Macedonian Slavs” and gives statistical information about the Macedonians and were they live according to his Ethnological Map.

 Here is his book:

3 Responses to “Macedonians acknowledged by George Soteriadis in 1918!”

  1. Voya Says:

    Missing Greek comments here?

  2. John Says:


    We most definitely acknowledge “Macedonian Slavs’ (as Soteriadis states). If you accept you are Slavs, and you want to call yourselves Slav Macedonians, etc.., go ahead. Our issue is with your invention of the Macedonian ethnicity.

    Commented by makedonika: So why does not Greece recognize her Macedonian Slavs then? The Macedonian ethnicity is not an invention, it is a FACT!

  3. philldm Says:

    Voya Says: Missing Greek comments here? – ahahahahhahhahhahahaa GOOOODDDD ONEEEEE!!!!!

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